INCREMENTA is a project for promoting an Innovation and Creativity mentality in SMEs and it aims to develop an educational method, in order to help SMEs rapidly react, adapt to changes and manage challenges.

According to Bloomberg, 2017, the pace of innovation and disruption is accelerating, as globalization has created an extremely competitive environment, where the faster pace of innovation is a critical to success. We are at in the era of a knowledge-based society, in which knowledge itself, incorporated in every product around us, is a fundamental element of competitiveness.

SMEs make up more than 99% of all enterprises in all EU countries (EUROSTAT 2015). If the EU wishes to retain its global position and to improve it against competition, it has to enhance creativity and innovation. This should be a conscious and persistent effort for SMEs, relying on training and learning rather than merely on luck and coincidence. Additionally, Collaboration management is also an imperative need for SMEs, as they are often isolated.

INCREMENTA will develop a set of training materials addressing the development of an innovation management system, based on the new CENT/TS 16555 standard (Part 5-Collaboration management and Part 6-Creativity management) as released in 2013. This system will address the needs of European SMEs, by developing basic and transversal skills in SMEs using innovative methods, through development of innovation and creativity. It will also assist professional development of VET teachers and trainers and will enhance the adaptability of the VET workforce to the requirements of the labour market, by creating the capability to establish and maintain the IMS within the company and conducting the trainings for other staff in their companies.

The project will also create the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence, needed by citizens in a knowledge-based society. This competence, among others, includes creativity, innovation and risk taking together.

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